Short-term International Consultant - Biodiversity Monitoring
May – June 2010
Maldives Environmental Management Project (MEMP)
International Development Association / World Bank, Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of the Maldives
Review the existing terrestrial monitoring data and projects on biodiversity conservation in the Maldives
Develop terrestrial ecosystem monitoring program objectives, methods and protocols
Conduct a baseline survey of terrestrial flora and fauna within the North Province, and build capacity of the Biodiversity Section of the EPA for terrestrial ecosystem monitoring through field based activities
Prepare an inventory of floral and faunal species of the selected islands based on the baseline survey
Identify critical habitats and species within the North Province
Propose proxy indicators of terrestrial ecosystem health status
Propose relevant community based terrestrial ecosystem monitoring, methodologies and protocols
Prepare training and awareness materials including both class room and field oriented material to support community based monitoring activities to be delivered by the EPA to interested community groups
Prepare budget and resource plan for the terrestrial ecosystem monitoring over the period of 5 years
Prepare terrestrial ecosystem monitoring plan
Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring – North Province
Cesarini D. & Bernasconi L., 2010
Document to EPA/MEMP/IDA, Malé, Republic of the Maldives, 392 pp.