Capacitação para a monitorização de biodiversidade e áreas protegidas no Parque Natural do Norte e na Reserva Natural Tartaruga, Ilha da Boa Vista, Cabo Verde - (Training for monitoring biodiversity and protected areas in PN do Norte and RN Tartaruga, Boavista Island, Cape Verde)




Short-term international consultant - Protected Area and biodiversity monitoring



November 2023 - March 2024



Community based sea turtle protection and biodiversity assessment as a baseline for future management of two protected areas on Boa Vista, Cabo Verde.



BIOPAMA, Fundaçao Tartaruga Cabo Verde Natura 2000, BIOS.CV



Technical assistance to develop the framework, and inception training (in the field and data management) for the monitoring system of two PAs in Boa Vista Island.



Plano de Monitorização do Complexo de Áreas Protegidas da Ilha do Maio - (Maio Island Protected Areas Network Monitoring Plan)


DNA & FMB, 2016


Enhancement of well-being and conservation in Cape Verde's biodiversity hotspots Project, UK AID/FMB/DNA/FFI, Vila do Porto Inglês, Cabo Verde.





Plano de Monitorização – Parque Natural de Monte Gordo (MGNP monitoring plan)


Cesarini D., 2008


Documents to UNDP/GEF/MAA-DGA project “Integrated participatory ecosystem management in and around protected areas (Phase I)”, Praia, Rep. of Cape Verde.




Plano de Monitorização – Parque Natural de Serra Malagueta (SMNP monitoring plan)


Cesarini D., 2008


Documents to UNDP/GEF/MAA-DGA project “Integrated participatory ecosystem management in and around protected areas (Phase I)”, Praia, Rep. of Cape Verde.