Long-term International Consultant – Project Management and Advisory
July 2017 - July 2019
UNDP, GEF and Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
Key Functions
Provide on-going support to the Project Management Unit for adaptive management, best practice assessment and implementation.
Enable the project to maintain strategic direction during implementation by helping project management to remain focused on overall results in addition to the day-to-day implementation concerns of supporting project implementation on national level.
Emphasize a learning and adaptive approach to project management and implementation.
Provide technical and strategic assistance to the Project Management Unit in implementing adaptive management by working to facilitate effective planning and monitoring of project activities and an ongoing, reflective evaluation of the project’s work.
Provide hands-on support to the National Project Coordinator, project staff and other government counterparts in the areas of project management and planning, management of site activities, monitoring, and impact assessment.
Define and propose TOR and profile for companies and NGOs to develop specific tasks such as Management Plans, Ecotourism plans, baseline surveys, training and capacity development programs, etc.
Coordinate the work of all consultants and sub-contractors, ensure the timely delivery of expected outputs, and ensure effective synergy among the various sub-contracted activities.
Assist the National Project Coordinator in the preparation and revision of the Management Plan as well as the Annual Work Plans.
Support the project’s communication and visibility strategy.
Coordinate the preparation of the periodic Status Report.
Assist the National Project Coordinators in the preparation of the Project Implementation Review/Annual Project Report (PIR/APR), the inception report, technical reports, and the quarterly financial reports for submission to the UNDP, the GEF and any other donors and Government Departments, as required.
Support advisory Councils of Protected Areas on each island to enhance effective coordination and linkages both with relevant local stakeholders and national-level agencies.
Support the processes to identify and declare new MPAs in line with international best practices, and incorporating site planning, zoning, mapping, community engagement and the establishment of the relevant institutional and legal frameworks.
Support the design and establishment of a PA co-management system in Cabo Verde, to be piloted in the Natural Reserve of Casa Velhas (Ponta Preta) on Maio, and scaled up and broadened to include additional regions of Sal and Boa Vista’s PAs.
Assist with the development of ecosystem monitoring capabilities within the management units on target islands in collaboration with partner institutions (i.e. DNA, PAAA, national Universities, etc.).
Review and inform on applicability of international best practice on sustainable tourism standards, voluntary certification, destination awards and incentives scheme and evaluate their applicability to Cape Verde and the level of market interest.
Support market research among the private sector on their level of interest and willingness to pay for voluntary certification, procurement of local products and services (e.g. fish, locally run tours) and options for protected area concessions, licenses and entrance fees.
Support the design of a competitive process for concessions and operational licenses for nature- based facilities and services in protected areas that incorporate sustainable tourism criteria.
Advise and provide guidance on the revision of fiscal and economic incentives for tourism investors to integrate sustainable development and biodiversity conservation needs.
Advise on national sustainable tourism standards, and on certification and biodiversity offset schemes for tourism sector planning and operations.
Assist the National Project Coordinator in liaison work with project partners, donor organizations, NGOs and other groups in order to ensure the effective coordination of project activities.
Document lessons learnt from project implementation and make recommendations to the Steering Committee for more effective implementation and coordination of project activities.
Perform other tasks as may be requested by the National Project Coordinator, Steering Committees and other project partners.