Short-term International Consultant - Protected Areas Management Effectiveness




June - October 2016



Enhancement of well-being and conservation in Cape Verde's biodiversity hotspots



Darwin Initiative, Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Maio Biodiversity Foundation (FMB), Ministry of Agriculture and Environment



To develop a monitoring plan to support continuous evaluation of the management effectiveness of the Maio Island Protected Areas Network, according to the CBD/IUCN framework




Short-term International Consultant - Protected Area Planning and Management




February 2013 – September 2013



Maio Island Protected Areas Planning and Development Project



World Bank, AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development), Ministry of Environment, Housing and Land Planning.




Technical review of previous drafts of management plans and other proposals for PAs system in the island of Maio


Rapid field surveys and assessment of the current PAs system in the Island of Maio


Design, preparation and implementation of a wide public campaign for local PAs system planning, involving local communities, NGOs, Institutions, tourism sector and other stakeholders


Identification of co-management models suitable in local context and environment


Design and definition of a final proposal for the limits of planned PAs that is accepted and supported by a wide range of stakeholders


To prepare an Integrated Management Plan of the Island of Maio PAs System


To prepare with involved Institutions and stakeholders drafts of formal agreements and protocols that serve as basis for the implementation of pilot co-management experience for the PAs system of the Island of Maio and Cape Verde


Preparation of awareness materials on the local PAs system targeted to local communities and tourists





Plano de Gestão da Rede de Areas Protegidas da Ilha do Maio 2014-2019 (Maio Island Protected Areas Network Management Plan 2014-2019)


Cesarini D. & Forte I., 2013


AECID, WB, MAHOT-DGA, Praia, Cabo Verde, 614pp.





Short-term International Consultant - Protected Area Planning and Management




April – May 2012



Consolidation of Cape Verde’s Protected Areas System



GEF/UNDP and Ministry of Environment, Housing and Land Planning




Verify the proposed National Protected Areas Network (NPAN) by both GAP and SWOT analysis;


Develop Identification and Zoning methodology for PAs at national level, defining criteria and standard procedures for PAs to be integrated in the NPAN;


Verify that the zoning approach is coherent with national land development procedures, particularly for the development of zones for tourism and infrastructure development (ZDTI);


Carry out capacity building/trainings for the project and national team focusing on how PAs zoning can be harmonised and developed with full participation of adjacent communities and stakeholders;


Develop a National Protected Area Strategy (NPAS) based on the legal framework and in close collaboration with the Protected Areas Autonomous Authority (PAAA);


Formulate recommendations for the national project team to improve their knowledge and links with research and development institutions in their respective intervention domains.





Estratégia Nacional das Áreas Protegidas – 2013/2022 (National Protected Areas Strategy - 2013/2022)




Document to the Project of "Consolidação do Sistema das Áreas Protegidas de Cabo Verde" (PCSAPCV), GEF/UNDP/MAHOT, Praia, Cape Verde, 248pp.




Analise Territorial e Zonamento da Rede Nacional das Áreas Protegidas - Relatório final de consultoria (GAP analysis and zoning of the National Protected Areas Network – Consultancy final report)


Cesarini D., 2012


Document to GEF/UNDP and Ministry of Environment, Housing and Land Planning (Republic of Cape Verde), 254pp.




Long-term International Consultant - Protected Area Planning and Management




March 2007 – July 2008



Integrated participatory ecosystem management in and around protected areas



GEF/UNDP and Ministry of Environment and Agriculture




Participatory planning in two Protected Areas


Execution of workshops with local communities, as well as, local and national Authorities


Assist the site PAs teams in developing a classification of PA territory into management zones based on ecological and human use factors


Preparation of two management plans (Serra Malagueta and Monte Gordo Nature Parks)


Assist the PAs teams in setting up a monitoring and evaluation system to keep track of the project’s impact, and in the identification of clear indicators for monitoring changes in biological, and socio-economic conditions


Preparation of two monitoring plans (Serra Malagueta and Monte Gordo Nature Parks)


Planning and execution of a training course on Protected Area Planning and Management


On-the-job training of PAs team



Plano de Gestão – Parque Natural de Monte Gordo (MGNP management plan)


Carvalho M. & Cesarini D., 2008


Documents to UNDP/GEF/MAA-DGA project “Integrated participatory ecosystem management in and around protected areas (Phase I)”, Praia, Rep. of Cape Verde.




Plano de Gestão – Parque Natural de Serra Malagueta (SMNP management plan)


Carvalho M. & Cesarini D., 2008


Documents to UNDP/GEF/MAA-DGA project “Integrated participatory ecosystem management in and around protected areas (Phase I)”, Praia, Rep. of Cape Verde.